Mission Statement

It’s a really hard life.

It’s even harder when you’re a young woman seeking God in a corrupt world that meets you with nothing but rejection. Going at it alone is not only miserable, but it’s not how God designed it. We are here to support each other through the hard times and encourage each other to live completely and relentlessly for Him. 

My hope is that through the words spoken here, ladies like myself would see: 
1. You are not alone in your faith and there are thousands of girls who want to live a life for Jesus, even when it seems like you are completely alone.
2. We are all struggling with the same things, and that you are allowed to struggle. There is not one struggle, question, or thought that you have that is not shared by another Christian girl.
3. Most importantly, you are unbelievably and unconditionally loved by the Lord Jesus forever and there is nothing you can ever do to change that.

We do not have all the answers, not even close, and we aren’t meant to. We are meant to love our God, and do our best to live the life he’s called us to live, even though it seems impossibly difficult. My goal is to be a tool to help other ladies like me do just that. 

“God is within her; she will not fall.” - Psalm 46:5


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