These Days are Numbered

by Rebecca Kiser

There are seasons in life. As much as we like to act as though circumstances just flow in and out of existence without any connection to each other, every promise God has ever made us assures us that He has a plan.

Sometimes these times are brilliantly good, and we want nothing more than to stay wrapped up in them forever. But sometimes they are really, really rough. Undoubtedly, we will each go through seasons of life that we’d rather bypass, times we think we might not make it through, times we don’t want to make it through. But sweetheart, God will not lead you through something unless it is absolutely necessary for His plan for you.

Let me just get straight to it:

Every single thing, every second of every day has a purpose in God’s plan for your life. 

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” Jeremiah 29:11

“‘For the mountains may move and the hills disappear but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken.’ says the Lord, who has mercy on you.” Isaiah 54:10

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

When I declared my life all in for Jesus, other Christians alongside me told me a life lived following God is one full of difficult circumstances. They said the Devil wants nothing more than to trip me up in that time in my life and that things were likely about to go really upside down.

And they did.

But God stuck it through with me, and it was the first time I went through something hard and chose to put my trust in God instead of trying to fix it myself. While it was definitely not fun at the time, I now understand God needed to put me through that so I would learn to lean completely on Him.

If you haven’t already encountered a time like that, you will. And it will feel like there is no way it could possibly be necessary for your life. I know you think you could draw up a better situation than what you are in right now. I know you are tired and angry and confused. I know.

But these days are numbered. 

The days of feeling like the only single teenager in the world are numbered.
The nights of staying up until early the next morning to finish a paper are numbered.
The days of stressing over getting into that college are numbered.
The long shifts at that job you hate are numbered.
The days of lacking friends because your other ones betrayed you are numbered.

God did not create any one of us to live a meaningless life. You have a magnificent, extraordinary purpose that God is going to lead you through, and nothing you will possibly plan or imagine could ever even come close to what He has in store for you. But you have to go through the seasons leading up to it. If you are in a hard one right now, and you have your eyes set on a season that is just out of reach, God is keeping you where you are because you aren’t ready for the good season yet. He is a good God. He is protecting you from something you can’t handle yet.

Be patient. Cling to the promises your caring God has made to you. Thrive in the season you’re in and know that, no matter what, these days are numbered.


  1. What an excellent,hopeful article.We need to hear this,at any age!Thank you for sharing.


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