
Showing posts from October, 2018

I'm Bad At Prayer

By Rebecca Kiser Me: “Hi I’m Becca and I’m bad at prayer.” Christian Support Group: “Hiiiiiiii Becca.” So, you would think having gone to Christian school for the first seven years of my education I would have a pretty good working knowledge of how to pray and be super comfortable with it. No dice. Can I get real honest with you guys for a second? I don’t like praying. It does not come naturally to me. I love to turn to my Bible when I’m struggling. I find so much comfort in the promises God has for me there, and I find strength in the testimonies of other Christians like Paul and David. I whisper, “Jesus” randomly throughout the day, and recite those foundational verses in those rough moments, so yes that’s prayer. But as far as sitting down and talking to God, telling him about my life and problems, praising him, asking for his presence in situations, I really struggle. When I pray out loud it feels like I’m talking to the air, like no one is listening. When