
Showing posts from July, 2018

So This is Love... Or is it?

by Anonymous As a child I was OBSESSED with princesses and all the romantic stories that went with them. I loved how pretty and kind they were, and that they always got their “Prince Charming” at the end of the story. So when my Prince Charming turned out to be a lanky soccer player from church who also was my best friend, I was head over heels. Not only was this guy athletic and handsome, he also proclaimed to be a Christian which made him perfect in my eyes. In the midst of being completely in love with this guy, I took my focus off of God which made me blind to the events that would come to pass. It started off slow with a minor faux pas that I quickly forgave into this mountain of regret, depression, anger, and lies.  “I just think that we need to spend a little time not talking to each other, so that we can get back on the right path with God.” Harmless right? One would say even encouraging. I had already felt guilty beforehand about how fast our relationship was