
Showing posts from November, 2018

Why You Should be Thankful for Weakness

by Rebecca Kiser If your family is anything like mine, you go around the table at Thanksgiving dinner and everyone tells something they are thankful for. People express their gratitude for things like family, their job, their health, or if you’re my brother, the food. But what you’re unlikely to hear is anyone say they’re thankful for the bad times they had this year. The times they were struggling and the times they doubted they were going to make it through. The times they were weak. It’s easy for us to be thankful when things are good, when we make it to the mountain tops. But you’d be hard pressed to find someone who wants to give thanks for the valleys. While the mountain tops are beautiful times for us, they are not where we grow.  From my own experiences, I see that every time God did amazing work in my heart it was during a hard time. I tend to get a little bit cocky on the mountain tops. At first, I see God’s hand in the situation and am thankful to Him for it, but I