
Showing posts from August, 2018

To Scroll or Not to Scroll?

By Rebecca Kiser Honorable Mention: Abagail Conyers Social media is a huge part of our culture. For many of us, it’s the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we see at night. It’s how we keep in touch with hundreds of  “friends,” share our opinions, and sometimes even receive national news. Although it’s role in our lives varies between generations, it’s safe to say most of us are more reliant on social media than we ought to be. The average adult spends around two hours a day on various social media outlets, while it’s a whopping nine hours a day for most teenagers. These statistics ignited a question for me: What happens if we take away social media? Cold turkey. Just there one day and gone the next. I figured this, like all crazy ideas, would be best executed alongside my best friend, so I enlisted Abby to join me in a 21 day social media fast. Here’s what happened: So… Why? Before we dive in, you have to understand the underlying motives that dro