
Showing posts from June, 2018

Testimony of Broken Pottery

by Rebecca Kiser In Japan, it is common practice for a potter to repair a broken piece of pottery with resin made of gold. These items are worth more than the originals, indirectly, because they have been broken. It is a special form of art that is meant to utilize and glorify the cracks, missing shards, and imperfections of the pottery. This ancient practice is known as Kintsugi or “golden repair”, and its pieces can be found all over the world in prestigious art museums, and are considered priceless. I find this really interesting not only because of the symbolism of something being more valuable because it’s been broken, but because of the potter. The first one to do this saw potential, worth, in shards of broken pottery sprawled lifelessly across the dirt-ridden ground.  When anyone else would have swept up the pieces and thrown them out with the rest of the trash, this potter took care to meticulously gather up every last bit. He invested time, love, and valuable resour

What do you want to be when you grow up?

by Rebecca Kiser “Our hearts ache but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything.” 2 Corinthians 6:10 All my life people have told me I could be whatever I wanted. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, they asked (as if a 7 year old has any clue) and no matter what the answer, they were excited and told me I would excel at it. But now, I’ve apparently reached the age where I should know for sure what I want to do, but the pool of acceptable career paths seems to have shrunken. Now they tell me to dream big. "Are you sure you don’t want to be a neurosurgeon?" "An Aerospace Engineer?" "A millionaire entrepreneur?" No longer is my heart’s desire a good enough answer, I could always go bigger. They make suggestions and tell me, “You’re gonna do big things!” and, “You’re gonna be successful.” What does that even mean though? What kinds of things are considered “big”? Wha